Monthly Archives: August 2020

Essential Oils to Help Vertigo

In most cases, vertigo is a sensation that lasts for just a few seconds to a few minutes, but this isn’t universal across the board. Central vertigo, a rare type of vertigo, can cause prolonged vertigo experiences and is likely caused by trauma to the brain. Vertigo is a sensation that some may feel during the course of a migraine, and in some instances is considered the central vertigo type due to it’s relation to brain activity.
Far more common than central vertigo is peripheral, which originates from the inner ear. Many don’t know that our ears are our bodies’ central balance centers, and when they get thrown off balance, so do we. Vestibular imbalances caused by the movement of tiny ear stones can lead to feelings of vertigo, an ear infection may cause vertigo, ear injury, air travel when an ear won’t pop, and some external motions can lead to feelings of vertigo as well. In most cases, these episodes of vertigo will last only a few seconds to moments, but they may be recurring until the problem is fixed or goes away on its own.
Short episodes of vertigo are difficult to treat, and some are more prone to episodes of vertigo than others. Often times, doctors will simply prescribe physical therapy and certain exercises to cut down on episodes of vertigo with no exact known cause. This may cut down on symptoms but it won’t eliminate vertigo from your life.
Finding Relief From Vertigo
Anyone who has experienced vertigo can attest to the need for relief and fast. Essential oils can provide help with relieving vertigo if you know just what oils to choose. The top 5 essential oils to help during bouts of vertigo are:
Peppermint essential oil – Peppermint essential oil is a particularly popular oil for vertigo sufferers. Topically applied or through aromatherapy, a 2013 study showed that peppermint essential oil relieved symptoms of headache, nausea, and general dizziness – which are all feelings associated with a vertigo episode.
Lemon essential oil – Lemon essential oil has been used for centuries or longer in treating dizziness and vertigo. In a 2014 study broke down just how effective this type of oil is. Lemon oil can be applied topically with a carrier oil, or used in a diffuser for aromatherapy effects.
Ginger essential oil – Ginger essential oil is a powerful vertigo helper. Mixed with carrier oils and applied to the temples or the abdomen, many found that ginger essential oil helped a great deal with dizziness related to menstruation, and that these effects translate well to cases of vertigo as well.
Lavender oil – An episode of vertigo can be unsettling, causing to spike feelings of anxiety for many. In turn, these feelings of anxiety can cause you to hyper focus on the vertigo, creating a vicious cycle where your vertigo symptoms feel worse than they actually are. Having lavender essential oils on hand for quick aromatherapy can help you to relax until the episode passes.
Eucalyptus – In some cases, it can be nasal congestion contributing to your vertigo issue. When our sinuses are inflamed, clogged, or stuffed, fluid may begin to build up in the inner ear, causing these feelings of pressure to spread across the face and into the ears. When this pressure builds up, vertigo can result. Aromatherapy with eucalyptus can help to soothe sinuses and therefore help with some feelings of ear-related vertigo.
Simple Relief For Vertigo
No person, whether very familiar or less than familiar with feelings of vertigo, enjoys the experience. What essential oils bring to the equation is another way to help these sensations, and get you safely back on your feet once again. As with any essential oil, these should only be applied topically with a safe carrier oil, and they may be diffused to experience the effects as well. While you’re in bed during a bout of vertigo, a few drops of any vertigo-friendly oil in a nebulizing diffuser can be a great helping hand until the episode passes.